Category: Uncategorized

Can Do MS Interviews Art Alexakis

Can Do MS Interviews Art Alexakis

Can Do MS Interviews Art Alexakis – Episode 27 – Transcription

Art Alexakis (frontman for the rock band Everclear) joins the Can Do MS podcast to discuss his new music video “The Hot Water Test.” The music video features MS warriors of varying ages, genders, ethnicities, and backgrounds, coming together to sing the emotional lyrics that recount the day Art was personally diagnosed with the disease.

Check out the music video here!

Ask the Can Do Team: Self Care and the Coronavirus

Ask the Can Do Team: Self Care and the Coronavirus

Ask the Can Do Team: Self Care and the Coronavirus – Episode 22 – Transcript

Does my MS increase my risks with coronavirus?  How can I stay active if I need to stay indoors?  What precautions should I take when preparing food?  What should I do if I’m spending more time at home with my family and they are driving me crazy?   

Get your answers to these questions and more by watching our virtual panel session, featuring a Nurse Practitioner, Clinical Psychologist, Physical Therapist and Dietitian.